My mom called me Thursday evening with the news that my brother would be coming home from his mission. A typical LDS mission lasts 2 years. My brother has been out for 4 months. I was relieved on some level, for the sake of my parents, that he wasn't coming home from "sinning". Turns out, he might just have depression. I say might, because it was his mission president, who has no formal training in psychiatry, that determined he had depression. My brother and I are similar as far as internalizing emotions and being too hard on ourselves, so to suddenly discover that he is depressed wasn't a huge shock. What worries me is that after the missionary persona wears off of him, how hard will the realization of being sent home be for him to reconcile? The worst thing, for him, would be to feel as if he'd failed. The Church is both good and bad at dealing with early return missionaries. My brother is lucky in many respects, to have been honorably discharged fro...