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Utah Liquor Laws

The state of Utah is known for having strange liquor laws, and with that come a lot of questions from those outside and inside the state that revolve around how, when, and what they can drink. Many within the state aren't even aware of some of the laws, or perhaps, the extent of the laws and how they actually affect real people. The majority of the state are members of the same religion, and they are not allowed to consume alcohol in any form. Most of them appreciate the state's control over liquor because by default, it means that their church controls the liquor laws. 

The topic itself was fairly broad, so I focused the website on a few of the more outrageous laws like Zion's Curtains and the 'Intent to Dine' law. Every year it seems, the Utah legislature amends current liquor laws, usually with the intent to increase regulations. For this reason, a number of my sources include Bills that have been passed, one of which passed just last month. 

While I think the state of Utah's control over the liquor laws and the LDS church's influence on those regulations is ridiculous, I wanted the site to have a more neutral tone. It's only meant to be informative and give some clarity as to what residents and tourists who consume alcohol can expect when they go to a bar or a restaurant. My intention was not to insight individuals against the state of Utah or the LDS church. 

**Side Note*** I took both of the pictures in this blog post. They are signs that Walmart recently added to their beer aisle. Before, the standard procedure to indicate when beer could no longer be purchased was to just turn the light off. 

You can find a link to my website here.


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